Sunday, 30 May 2010

The Wandering Book

A while ago, Enrique, set up the Wandering Book as a means of capturing the zeitgeist of the software craftsmanship movement. The idea is that a moleskine notebook wanders between people who think of themselves as members of this community. These people then have a week to contribute some useful insight before passing it on.

I'm guilty of taking significantly longer than a week before passing it on. My contribution is below.

What have you made recently?

Whenever software craftspeople gather that's one of the questions I'd like us to ask each other. I'd also like us to ask:
  • what are you making?
  • what do you want to make next?
  • what have you learned from the things you made?

These are some of the questions that get to the heart of what we do.

We make software: code, databases, user interfaces, etc. We do it all. We may not be able to match the experts in each domain but we can make complete software all on our own.

I'm not talking about the artefacts of your day job or the things your team built. I'm talking about things that matter enough to you, that you created them in your own time and for your own reasons. These things you choose to make define the borders of your craft.

Even though I firmly believe that deliberate practice builds skill I don't think it's sufficient unless you also make things. In the same way I think that our current idea of software craftsmanship is insufficient if we're going to create a healthy community rather than another hollow buzzword.

Recently I've been thinking about the idea of a "generative community." This is a group of people united by overlapping values that lead them to create things that affect the real world (this may be software, devices, conferences, websites, etc) rather than just talk and think about making things.

I'd like our little community to be generative in the same way that Christopher Alexander wanted patterns to be generative. And I'd like you, the reader, to help make this happen.

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50: A place called home

50: A place called home

Monday, 24 May 2010

Joining the Social Web team

What has two thumbs and is joining the Social Web team at Google? Me.

I'm going to be one of the Developer Advocates based in the London office. I'll be looking after all things related to 'social' and the social web in Europe, the Middle East and Africa (EMEA).

I plan on spending a lot of my time listening to and learning from people outside the company. In fact when I try to describe all the facets of this job I tend to point people to Christian Heilman's book or Dion Almaer's blog post or Simone Brunozzi's blog post.

The social web is bigger than any one product or company. That's why my job is going to be as much about helping to grow the social web as it will be about helping developers to use Google APIs. So if you're doing something interesting with the social web in EMEA and you think Google can help then send me an email. I'm ade at

I'm also, to quote John Panzer, "a cluster of heterogeneous identifiers." You can follow most of them on Buzz:

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49: On-Call Sam

49: On-Call Sam

Thursday, 20 May 2010

Fiddling with Google Buzz

I woke up this morning and, inspired by Ian Bicking's post, thought I'd take a look at showing my last N Buzz posts on my website:

I started with the example code from here: which makes a request for a JSON object representing all of a user's public posts. Then I tweaked it a little so that it uses my numeric identifier rather than my username. This is in order to avoid leaking my email address. I also changed it so it only shows the last 5 items. I then added a little bit of code to extract the link for each item.

Working out how to traverse the JSON object was made easier thanks to DeWitt's JSON indent project:

It meant that I only had to work out how to read this: rather than:

After that I only had to tweak the appearance to fit in with the rest of my, rather old-fashioned, website. Hopefully someone will take this code and turn it into a proper widget that can easily be re-used.

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Monday, 3 May 2010

Apprenticeship Patterns is now Creative Commons licensed

Just over 5 years ago Dave and I started Apprenticeship Patterns on a wiki. We used that wiki to organize the stories we found as we went around the world asking people how they became skilled software developers. When O'Reilly approached us about turning our wiki into an actual book printed on dead trees we were delighted but we also emphasised our desire to share the ideas with the widest possible audience. Fortunately O'Reilly are an incredibly englightened publishing house and they were already thinking about ways to get their books into the Creative Commons.

Just like we were one of the first O'Reilly books to experiment with using a wiki to get early feedback during the writing process we're also one of the first O'Reilly books to experiment with publishing our material under a Creative Commons license. Starting from today the book is now available here:

We're using O'Reilly's experimental Open Feedback Publishing system which lets people, after registering, attach comments to any section of the book. If there's ever a second edition your feedback will be an essential part of it so please don't be shy.

Communicating with atoms

A few weeks ago I attended an Open Source Jam where the topic was "building blocks." I gave a lightning talk about why the combination of Atom and Webhooks is changing the way web applications interoperate. In this set of blog posts I'd like to flesh out that 5 minute presentation and explain how Atom is potentially a universal payload format for the web in the same way that byte streams are a universal payload format for Unix.
  • Part 1: Communicating with atoms1
  • Part 2: Webhooks
  • Part 3: JSONistas and XMLheads
Here's the problem. I have N different web apps that I want to connect to each other in arbitrary ways. Some of these web apps don't exist yet and some of them will be written by people I don't know who won't ask permission before they connect their web apps to mine.

In an enterprise environment we'd solve this using some kind of common messaging infrastructure or/and a universal data format. We would then deal with the inevitable pain as the evolution of the different web applications broke compatibility or locked the entire system into moving at the pace of the slowest team.

On the web we don't have that luxury. But Atom can help.

The Atom specification includes a number of simple-looking features which solve complex problems and open up the possibility of using Atom entries as a universal payload format for interoperability across the web.

The basic structure of an Atom document requires either an atom:feed or atom:entry as the top level element. Apart from that you must have an atom:id, an atom:author, atom:link, atom:title and an atom:updated2. Everything else is optional.

Since Atom is based on XML it has support for namespaces. This makes it possible for you to take an atom:entry and enrich it with new tags that only make sense in the context of your application. For instance the Activity Streams specification adds lots of new tags. However it also uses lots of tags from other specifications. It extends Atom and re-uses Atom Threading Extensions, Atom Media Extensions, xCal, PortableContacts and GeoRSS. The feed ends up looking like this:

But what if you just want to treat that ActivityStream or any other Atom extension as if it were a simple Atom feed?

Atom Processors that encounter foreign markup in a location that is legal according to this specification MUST NOT stop processing or signal an error. It might be the case that the Atom Processor is able to process the foreign markup correctly and does so. Otherwise, such markup is termed "unknown foreign markup".

When unknown foreign markup is encountered as a child of atom:entry, atom:feed, or a Person construct, Atom Processors MAY bypass the markup and any textual content and MUST NOT change their behavior as a result of the markup's presence.

When unknown foreign markup is encountered in a Text Construct or atom:content element, software SHOULD ignore the markup and process any text content of foreign elements as though the surrounding markup were not present.

Well the Atom specification insists that an Atom processor, like your web app, 'must ignore' foreign markup in an Atom feed unless it is sure it knows what to do with it. This means that we can have multiple different but interoperable versions of Atom or any other XML language floating around at the same time. Tim Bray called this "an unstated axiom of the World Wide Web" and I agree with him that this simple rule allows "multidirectional growth" since anyone can extend Atom without asking permission from a central authority or worrying too much about versioning. I also agree with Sam Ruby when he says that "90% of all namespaces are crap" but since we can't tell which namespaces will become popular and which will be ignored we should let anybody and everybody have a go.

The above makes it sound like we're entering into a happy, fun world of atomic interoperability and distributed extensibility. However you will eventually want to re-publish an atom:entry from another feed. Then you'll realise that the compulsory elements I listed above aren't enough. If you're building a tool like Planet Venus or Streamer you're going to need to generate an Atom feed containing entries from other websites. These sites may be using various different extensions and id generation schemes. The spec says that you should preserve the atom:feed's original atom:id inside the atom:source if the atom:feed was the top-level element.

This way you can have an atom:id that points to your copy of the atom:entry and an atom:source which points to the original atom:entry so that if someone then re-publishes part of your feed we can still find out the provenance of the atom:entry.
The atom:source 'points' to the original source of the atom:entry and instead of making your own atom:id you use the "permanent, universally unique identifier" that the author(s) of the atom:entry assigned.

The above sounds complicated but it means we can treat Atom entries as a loosely joined chain of small pieces that can be piped, filtered and aggregated with web-based equivalents of the standard Unix tools. By simply publishing a feed containing these pieces I know that other people's tools can consume, re-mix, compose and syndicate my content in ways I can't even think of.

The simple blog aggregators we've been building are just the beginning and in part 2 I'll talk about how Webhooks will let us go beyond feeds and start thinking in terms of low-latency streams.

OSJAM PanoPhoto by

1- Thanks to Sheila Thomson for the title.
2- These tags may be optional or compulsory depending on which other tags you're using.

Updated 2010/05/03: Bob Wyman has pointed out some mistakes in the original version of this article. Firstly atom:source elements may contain elements from the atom:feed not the atom:entry. Secondly atom:id elements are permanent and universally unique identifiers which don't have to be URLs so it's mis-leading to talk about them pointing anywhere. Finally atom:source is not about the provenance of an atom:entry, since that would require tracking all the locations it went through before you saw it, but about the point of origin. See here for more details from Bob.

46: Shake hands forever

46: Shake hands forever

45: Brand New Day

45: Brand New Day