I went to Edinburgh and climbed a mountain. Although Wikipedia claims it's just a big hill.

I moved out of Westminster

and back to Docklands.

I wrote in the Wandering Book.

I got this cool new job which enabled me to host London's very first HackCamp. I'm still not sure I didn't imagine the spontaneous singing along to The Lion Sleeps Tonight by The Tokens.

I got to see what the 4th of July looks like in Boston.

Chris Chabot and I went to Stockholm where we ran a Buzz hackathon.

I gave a presentation about TDD on AppEngine at EuroPython.

I ran a Buzz hackathon in Lisbon.

A group of us entered a team in a photography contest held at the National Portrait Gallery. Improbably enough one of our photos (not the one below) won and we got to see it projected onto the walls of the gallery.

I attended OpenTech. I think I may be one of the few people who has managed to attend every single OpenTech. Even back when it wasn't called OpenTech.

I went back to the US in the autumn and got to meet a lot of the ex-Thoughtworks crowd who are now at DRW Trading.

Straight after that the Google Developer Days took me across Europe including a walk through Red Square at night.

I got back from that just in time to help run the world's hardest raffle at XPDay.

This was followed by the chance to see

This takes us till Christmas and the end of this year.

Next year is another game and it's too early to predict the outcome.

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